Therapy to Find Peace and Healing.

Online Perinatal Therapy and Trauma Therapy in Washington.

Currently accepting new clients!

(Please note, I have current openings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.)

Hey there, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed.

Do you feel lost, overwhelmed, or like an emotional wreak? Feeling like you are on an emotional roller coaster? Does it feel like every decision or action is life or death? Like there are dangerous lurking everywhere? I get it! I got you! I teach ways to manage your emotions, control your thoughts and rediscover yourself.

Pregnancy and parenting is an emotional journey, and the stakes have never felt higher. You probably didn’t expect things to be this hard, especially at this part of your journey! You are exhausted and don’t know what to do. You feel like you can’t handle one more sleepless night worried about if you have what it takes to do this whole parenting thing. How on earth do you manage all the needs of each day while meeting the needs of little beings and ensure they find a positive place in the world? You’re finally having/ have the baby you’ve always wanted, and now you’re scared to death you’ll mess them up. Being a parent is the greatest gift, and the stakes have never felt higher.

You may be feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and alone. Or like you’re failing your child and yourself. No one prepares you for how hard parenting really is.

Are you anxious and don’t know how to manage the scary thoughts? Are you feeling confused by your kiddo’s behaviors and not sure how to respond? Are you concerned you will replay the same patterns you saw in your family or you’ve seen in the world around you? Maybe you have patterns of communication or behavior from the past that were protective but are no longer useful. Or are worried you won’t measure up to the incredible role model your parents ( or some other person ) were. Maybe you don’t have what it takes to have a family and should just get a turtle.

You don’t have to face this alone.

Hi, I’m Vickery. I’m a Clinical Social Worker located in Bellingham, WA. I provide Individual Therapy via Telehealth to folks across Washington state. I’m here to help you find the peace you deserve, rediscover joy in the little moments, and feel connected to your loved ones again.

My lived experience and experience with families and crisis intervention make me uniquely suited to provide this support. I understand the difficulties of being raised in a dysfunctional environment and navigating family of origin challenges. In my experience providing crisis intervention and family therapy services, I’ve worked with many people I wish I could help go back in time and help them rewrite their stories. We have the gift of being able to shape the next generation and the power to make generational change.

You want to do and be well and you have the best intentions. Let’s put that into action!

How I Help

⇸ Compassionate postpartum therapy tailored to you

⇸ Therapy Tools and techniques to manage anxiety and depression

⇸ Pregnancy support therapy to help you through complications

⇸ Guidance in building stronger connections with your child and partner

⇸ Parenting support to manage the ups and downs of you parenting journey

⇸ Trauma therapy providing a safe space to share your story and find solace

Take the first step to peace.

I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to see if we’re the right fit.